high school chemistry workbooks
Unlock High School Chemistry Success: Comprehensive Workbook Series with Short Lessons, Self-Checking Practice, and More!
High school chemistry can be tricky.   It’s like exploring a big corn maze with lots of twists and turns.   Students learn one skill and think they’re heading towards that A+ and then –...
Bringing Evolution to Life: 5 Engaging Activities for High Schoolers in Gr. 11 Biology (SBI3U)
Need some tried and true ideas for your Evolution unit in Gr. 11 Biology? All 5 of the ideas outlined below perfectly target the Ontario curriculum learning objectives. Keep things fresh by throwing in...
Up the Engagement in Your Genetic Processes Unit for SBI3U
Up the Engagement in Your Genetic Processes Unit for SBI3U (Gr. 11 Biology) The “Genetics Processes” unit in Gr. 11 Biology (SBI3U) is THE unit of THE course that officially inspired my degree...
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Run a Smooth, Safe, and Effective Lab
I recently had the chance to speak with Katie on the Creative Chemistry with Coscine podcast! Give her a follow and listen to our conversation all about running labs so that students will be engaged,...
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Exploring Diversity of Living Things with 6 Creative Activities
The “Diversity of Life” unit in Gr. 11 Biology (SBI3U) used to be one of my least engaging units in any of my science classes. Classification, taxonomy, and biodiversity are gigantic topics...
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Valentine's Day Science: 11 Activities for High School
Valentine’s Day is a time for love, but it can also be a time for nerding out over science! Welcome to your one-stop shop for Valentine’s Day Science activities for high school or middle...
The Two Questions To Discuss AFTER Lab Day
Ah, labs. You put in the prep work to make sure things ran smoothly and the experiment was a success – woohoo! So is it over yet? Can you just clean up and move on? NOT YET! A common mistake...
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What You Need To Do ON Lab Day To Ensure Things Run Smoothly
I recently shared my top tips of how to prepare for a lab BEFORE the day of the experiment to make sure it runs smoothly. Today, we’ll chat about what I do during the lab to make the most of the planned...
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What You Need To Do BEFORE Lab Day To Ensure Things Run Smoothly
Ever had a lab go terribly? The experiment didn’t go as planned? Kids were confused? You felt like you were being pulled in every possible direction to answer questions and deal with problems? Never...
5 Classroom Management Tips for the First Week of School
With the new year school year upon us, it’s time to share about how to set the stage for some easy peezy classroom management. Here are my Top 5 Actionable Classroom Management Tips: #1: Have...
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